There is a lot at stake when you make investment choices while in the "Red Zone".
Historical analysis shows that since 1927, the typical account based pension fund employing a sound balanced fund asset allocation strategy and starting with an initial 6% withdrawal rate would have failed to provide inflation-adjusted income for the average 20 – 30 years that today’s retiree expects to enjoy.
Studies show that 50% of retirees who base their retirement income on traditional account based pensions employing a balanced investment strategy will outlive their income.
One in five Australians will have no super left by the time that they reach the age of 70.
For some retirees, exposure to several economic downturns, years of poor returns and inflation has seen an even higher rate of income exhaustion.
That's why we offer sustainable retirement income strategies that are far more successful and cost effective than traditional account based pensions, annuities or the new hybrid retirement income products.
Our financial strategy uses Liability Defined Investment (LDI) principals, third generation asset allocations plus an optimised level of regular withdrawals.
Included in this process is the diversification of your investments to help manage risk and to reduce the impact of market downturns on your portfolio.
Our portfolios can provide you with better long-term income than traditional account based pensions.
Our recommended retirement income strategy, will provide you with a high degree of financial certainty and give you the confidence you need to enjoy your retirement.
Indicative Rates
Emotional Benefits (feeling secure) |
Strong |
Moderate |
Weak |
Our Retirement Sustainable Income Strategy: (a) An optimised retirement income for the two phases of your retirement. (b) Makes sure that your spouse is will be looked after after you are gone |
Account Based Pension with Annuity More certainty of income - the trade off being that you loose access to some of your capital. |
Account Based Pension 50% of retirees using a "Balanced Fund" based account based pension will run out of money during their retirement. |
We include only the most well regarded and highly-rated financial institutions and investments in our retirement portfolios.
We can also, if you prefer, include your existing investments in your unique financial strategies.
Knowing that your retirement income will be backed by the companies that will be there for the long-term, will give you the confidence to enjoy your retirement in the full knowledge that your income will sustainable..
Our recommended retirement income strategy provides ready access to your capital and ensures that you will always be able to look after your spouse.
We always include three distinct investment strategies in your retirement income portfolio:
- A time-based strategy: Including progressive longevity determinations to calculate (and plan for) both the first and second phases of your retirement time frame,
- A quantitative strategy: Your initial income is optimised to ensure the maximum level of sustainable income (including the Age Pension) throughout your retirement. Your income base is regularly reset and your assets are rebalanced every six months, and
- A cost efficient strategy, We ensure that all your expenses (including our fees) will always remain totally transparent and highly competitive.
Regular client reviews form the most important part of your retirement income strategy. All our reviews are arranged in advance.